Monday, July 12, 2010

Sea otters worth $700 million in carbon credits

Here's an excellent article on working WITH Nature to turn around global warming, and undoing some unintended consequences of our past actions!

Sea otters worth $700 million in carbon credits - environment - 07 July 2010 - New Scientist

Monday, July 5, 2010

US not a leader of the green world

Valerie Jaffee of NRDC has filed a post that laments the distance between our United States and the rest of the industrial world in promoting green energy. Everyone and their sister understands that this is the growth industry of the present (NOT the future) - and that even if we didn't believe in global warming, hey! we DO believe in capitalism. So why aren't we leading the charge?

A great (and non-political) read - catch it here!

Scoring a Goal for Clean Energy

Scoring a Goal for Clean Energy